These functions allow you to take a value and make it tunable by a slider or a switch!

Example usage:

tunable(0.5, name: "button alpha") { alpha in someButton.alpha = alpha }

Whenever the alpha changes, the closure will be run, and the button’s alpha will be updated.

If an instantaneous return value is good enough, you can do this instead:

someButton.alpha = tunable(0.5, name: "button alpha")

Once you’ve tuned values in the UI, you can apply them back to the project by following these steps:

  1. Tap “Share”
  2. Get the values you just tweaked

    • If you’re not attached to Xcode, email yourself from the share sheet.
    • If you’re attached to Xcode, open up the console (View > Debug Area > Activate Console) and look for a log like this:
    "label" : "Test",
    "key" : "Test",
    "sliderMinValue" : 0,
    "sliderMaxValue" : 1400,
    "sliderValue" : 179.6053
  1. Copy and paste the contents into TunableSpec.json in your project (included with OhaiPrototope).

Method reference

  • public func tunable(defaultValue: Bool, #name: String) -> Bool

  • public func tunable(defaultValue: Bool, #name: String, #maintain: Bool -> Void)

  • public func tunable(defaultValue: Double, #name: String) -> Double

  • public func tunable(defaultValue: Double, #name: String, #maintain: Double -> Void)

  • public func tunable(defaultValue: Point, #name: String) -> Point

  • public func tunable(defaultValue: Point, #name: String, #maintain: Point -> Void)