React Components

reusable components by Khan Academy


This is a collection of some of the most reusable React components built at Khan Academy. In the jQuery ecosystem there's a large collection of plugins that can be used for anything from modals to translation. We're trying to make it just as easy to jumpstart React applications with a well-tested, thoughtful, and beautiful library of components.

Most of our components are bespoke, so if you're already invested in a UI framework like Bootstrap, Topcoat, or KendoUI, you should check to see if there's an existing React wrapper for your framework.

Important files and info:

Getting Started

React Components uses CommonJS-style requires, making them easy to include in a project using Browserify or Webpack.

Use as a Git Submodule (Recommended)

In the author's limited experience, it's easiest to clone React Components as a subrepo (assuming Git).

Then simply use CommonJS requires pointing to the components within the subrepo.

External Requirements

Some components require external libraries - TimeAgo, TeX, BackboneMixin, etc. The libraries aren't included with React Components (to keep it lightweight), so you'll need to provide them as necessary. External requirements need to be available as CommonJS imports, which usually means adding them to your package.json. For example, TimeAgo uses moment:

Now we can use TimeAgo just like any of the other components.

Component Stability

We borrow Mozilla's SDK stability index (which is in turn borrowed from Node) to indicate how much you can rely on each component.

Stability: 0 - Deprecated

This component is known to be problematic, and changes are planned.
Do not rely on it. Use of the feature may cause warnings. Backwards
compatibility should not be expected.
Stability: 1 - Experimental

This component was introduced recently, and may change or be removed in
future versions. Please try it out and provide feedback. If it addresses
a use-case that is important to you, tell the react-components team.
Stability: 2 - Unstable

The component is in the process of settling, but has not yet had
sufficient real-world testing to be considered stable. Backwards-
compatibility will be maintained if reasonable.
Stability: 3 - Stable

The component is a fully supported part of react-components. We will
avoid breaking backwards compatibility unless absolutely necessary.



This works like a simplified, React-native version of Bootstrap's modal.

var ButtonWithDialog = React.createClass({ mixins: [LayeredComponentMixin], render: function() { return <button onClick={this.handleClick}> Click Me! </button>; }, renderLayer: function() { if (this.state.clicked) { return <Modal onClose={this.handleClose}> <div className="modal-header"> Header <a href="javascript: void 0;" style={{float: "right", textDecoration: "none"}} onClick={this.handleClose}> &#215; </a> </div> <div className="modal-body">Body!</div> </Modal>; } else { return <div />; } }, // {{{ handleClose: function() { this.setState({ clicked: false }); }, handleClick: function() { this.setState({ clicked: !this.state.clicked }); }, getInitialState: function() { return { clicked: false }; } // }}} }); return <ButtonWithDialog />;

Button Group


A nice looking replacement for a related set of buttons (like radio buttons).

var Options = React.createClass({ render: function() { var labelStyle = { color: this.state.value, padding: '0 10px' }; return <div> <ButtonGroup value={this.state.value} buttons={[ {value: 'red', content: 'red'}, {value: 'green', content: 'green'}, {value: 'blue', content: 'blue'} ]} onChange={this.handleChange} /> <span style={labelStyle}>Your useful text</span> </div>; }, getInitialState: function() { return { value: 'red' }; }, handleChange: function(value) { this.setState({ value }); } }); return <Options />;

Multi Button Group


Like Button Group, but with multi-select (like checkboxes).

var Options = React.createClass({ render: function() { // {{{ // Returns a small, colored div var paint = function (color) { var style = { backgroundColor: color, border: (color === 'white') ? '1px solid' : null, height: 15, width: 15, display: 'inline-block' }; return <div style={style} />; }; var outerStyle = { padding: '0 10px', display: 'inline-block' }; // }}} return <div> Mixing Colors: <div style={outerStyle}> <MultiButtonGroup values={this.state.values} buttons={[ {value: 'red', content: paint('red')}, {value: 'green', content: paint('green')}, {value: 'blue', content: paint('blue')} ]} onChange={this.handleChange} /> </div> {paint(this.mixColors(this.state.values))} </div>; }, getInitialState: function() { return { values: ['red', 'blue'] }; }, // {{{ mixColors: function(colors) { var containsRed = colors.indexOf('red') > -1; var containsBlue = colors.indexOf('blue') > -1; var containsGreen = colors.indexOf('green') > -1; if (containsRed && containsGreen && containsBlue) { return 'white'; } else if (containsRed && containsGreen) { return 'yellow'; } else if (containsRed && containsBlue) { return 'purple'; } else if (containsGreen && containsBlue) { return 'cyan'; } else if (colors.length > 0) { return colors[0]; } return 'black'; }, // }}} handleChange: function(values) { this.setState({ values }); } }); return <Options />;



A pseudo-component useful for internationalization.

var translated = <$_ first="Motoko" last="Kusanagi"> Hello, %(first)s %(last)s! </$_>; var link = <a href="javascript:void 0;" onClick={this._markTooHard}> <$_>Click here</$_> </a>; return <span> <$_ clickHere={link}> We noticed you had a little trouble with this task. %(clickHere)s to hide it until later. </$_> </span>;

Layered Component Mixin


Render another component in a div appended to the page.

var ButtonWithDialog = React.createClass({ mixins: [LayeredComponentMixin], render: function() { return <button onClick={this.handleClick}> Click Me! </button>; }, renderLayer: function() { if (this.state.clicked) { return <Modal onClose={this.handleClose}> <div className="modal-header"> Header <a href="javascript: void 0;" style={{float: "right", textDecoration: "none"}} onClick={this.handleClose}> &#215; </a> </div> <div className="modal-body">Body!</div> </Modal>; } else { return <div />; } }, // {{{ handleClose: function() { this.setState({ clicked: false }); }, handleClick: function() { this.setState({ clicked: !this.state.clicked }); }, getInitialState: function() { return { clicked: false }; } // }}} }); return <ButtonWithDialog />;

Set Interval Mixin


Like setInterval that calls clearInterval for you.

var RefreshingComponent = React.createClass({ mixins: [SetIntervalMixin], componentDidMount: function() { this.setInterval(this.updateState, 1000); }, render: function() { return <div>{this.state.time} seconds</div>; }, // {{{ getInitialState: function() { return { time: 0 }; }, updateState: function() { var time = this.state.time + 1; this.setState({ time }); } // }}} }); return <RefreshingComponent />;

State-from-Store Mixin


Wires change listeners to get updates from a flux store.

return <div> example needed! </div>;



Human friendly display of how long it's been since an event happened.

// {{{ var FormatCommentBody = React.createClass({ render: function() { return <div> {this.props.body} </div>; } }); var UserBadge = React.createClass({ render: function() { return <div>@{this.props.user}</div>; } }); // }}} var Comment = React.createClass({ render: function() { return <div> <FormatCommentBody body={this.props.body} /> <div> <UserBadge user={this.props.user} /> - <TimeAgo time={} /> </div> </div>; } }); return <Comment body="such time" user="dinojoel" date={new Date()} />;

Blur Input


An input component that notifies its parent of changes when it loses focus.

// {{{ TODO(joel) - numericalParse var URLInput = React.createClass({ render: function() { // {{{ var imgStyle = { paddingTop: 15, display: 'block', margin: 'auto', maxWidth: '100%' }; // }}} return <div> Image URL: <BlurInput value={this.state.url} onChange={this.handleChange} /> <img style={imgStyle} src={this.state.url} /> </div>; }, handleChange: function(url) { this.setState({ url }); }, getInitialState: function() { return { url: this.props.initialUrl }; } }); return <URLInput initialUrl={""} />;



Easily render LaTeX using MathJax or Khan Academy's fast KaTeX library.

// return <TeX>{"\\nabla \\times \\vec{\\mathbf{B}} -\\, \\frac1c\\, \\frac{\\partial\\vec{\\mathbf{E}}}{\\partial t} = \\frac{4\\pi}{c}\\vec{\\mathbf{j}}"}</TeX> return <TeX>\nabla \cdot E = 4 \pi \rho</TeX>;



A better tooltip.

// {{{ var pStyle = { margin: 0, padding: 10, backgroundColor: "white" }; // }}} return <Tooltip className="class-for-tooltip-contents" horizontalPosition="left" horizontalAlign="left" verticalPosition="bottom" arrowSize={10} borderColor="#ccc" show> <div>reticulating splines!</div> <p style={pStyle}> <a href="">meaningless phrase</a> </p> </Tooltip>;



A very simple informational tooltip that displays on hover.

return <div> reticulating splines <InfoTip><p> <a href="">meaningless phrase</a> </p></InfoTip> </div>;



Sort a list.

var Sorter = React.createClass({ render: function() { return <Sortable components={this.state.components} onReorder={this.handleReorder} className="sidebar-list" verify={() => true} />; }, // {{{ handleReorder: function(components) { this.setState({ components }); }, getInitialState: function() { return { components: this.props.components }; } // }}} }); // {{{ var components = [ <div draggable={true} key="1">1</div>, <div draggable={true} key="2">2</div>, <div draggable={true} key="3">3</div>, <div draggable={true} key="4">4</div> ]; return <Sorter components={components} />; // }}}

Drag Target


Accept dragged content from the browser or the desktop.

var Target = React.createClass({ render: function() { return <DragTarget onDrop={this.handleDrop}> {this.state.message} </DragTarget>; }, handleDrop: function(event) { this.setState({ message: "delicious. thank you!" }); }, getInitialState: function() { return { message: "I haven't received any drags" }; } }); return <Target />;

Window Drag


Detect drags into and out of the page.

var Indicator = React.createClass({ render: function() { return <WindowDrag> {/* modal? */} <div>WINDOW DRAG!</div> </WindowDrag>; } }); return <Indicator />;

Timeout Transition Group


A wrapper which applies CSS classes to children who are entering or leaving. It is very much like the CSSTransitionGroup provided in the React addons. Unfortunately, CSSTransitionGroup uses the transitionEnd event, which is not fired in a variety of conditions (including the transition not being visible or in another tab). This version of CSSTransitionGroup uses a manually set timeout, instead.

// {{{ var itemStyle = { padding: 10, borderColor: "black", borderWidth: 1, borderStyle: "solid", overflow: "hidden", cursor: "pointer" }; // }}} /** * Already in the stylesheet of the page: * * .demo-enter { * opacity: 0.01; * height: 0px; * padding: 0px 10px !important; * transition: opacity 500ms ease-out, * padding 500ms ease-out, * height 500ms ease-out; * } * .demo-enter.demo-enter-active { * opacity: 1; * height: 16px; * padding: 10px !important; * } * .demo-leave { * opacity: 1; * height: 16px; * transition: opacity 500ms ease-out, * padding 500ms ease-out, * height 500ms ease-out; * } * .demo-leave.demo-leave-active { * opacity: 0; * height: 0px; * padding: 0px 10px !important; * } */ var List = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return { items: [0, 1, 2, 3] }; }, removeThenReadd: function(item) { // {{{ var items = this.state.items.slice(0); var found = false; for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (items[i] === item) { items.splice(i, 1); found = true; break; } } this.setState({items: items}, function() { if (found) { setTimeout(function() { var items = this.state.items.slice(0); items.push(item); this.setState({items: items}); }.bind(this), 5000); } }.bind(this)); // }}} }, _makeDiv: function(index) { // {{{ return <div onClick={this.removeThenReadd.bind(null, index)} style={itemStyle} key={index}> {"Item " + index} </div>; // }}} }, render: function() { var items =; return <TimeoutTransitionGroup enterTimeout={500} leaveTimeout={500} transitionName="demo"> {items} </TimeoutTransitionGroup>; } }); return <List />;

Backbone Mixin


Update this view every time a backbone model updates:

This mixin is deprecated. We do not recommend using it in production.

var SimpleModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { comment: "This is a comment!" } }); var Comment = React.createClass({ mixins: [BackboneMixin], getBackboneModels: function() { return [this.props.model]; }, render: function() { return <div>{this.props.model.get("comment")}</div>; } }); var myModel = new SimpleModel(); return <div> <Comment model={myModel} /> <button onClick={function() {myModel.set("comment", "This is an (edited) comment!");}}> Edit </button> </div>;